Why Choose Us

Competence and Reliability

Bookright Global Consultants Limited is dependable,consistent, steadfast and trustworthy firm which provides its clients with excellent services in auditing and accounting. We complete our assignment in time and provide feedback to our clients as required. The firm has competent staffs that are qualified in the profession and have good experience in customer care and Public relations. Bookright has no past or present litigation, dispute with clients or pending court case.

he recognition of the significant role we play in the accountability of public resources, by re-establishing the Office as an Independent Constitutional Office and in addition as a body corporate with a clear and expanded mandate.

we pride in being “Your strategic partners”

  • ✓ We care for our Clients – We take personal responsibility for our services to you

  • ✓ Our ‘risk based approach’ ensures audit efforts are directed to high risk areas hence

  • ✓ We always keep our clients updated of changes in business and regulatory environment mails and management letters.

  • ✓ We deliver ‘Value for money‘ services to our clients by placing emphasis on understanding their business and control environment , and providing practical recommendations on improving business processes and strengthening the control

  • ✓ We help clients identify viable solutions that generate results.

  • ✓ Ours is a personalized service that builds relationship with you as a trusted strategic partner.
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    Relevance and Experience

    Bookright Global Consultants Limited has general knowledge and experience in the subject of internal control health check and is competent to handle any assignment of auditing, Investigative and assurance in nature. In addition, among its senior staff the firm has specialized experts in various areas such as special purpose audits

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    Imparility & Independence of the firm

    Bookright Global Consultants Limited has clear internal directives with respect to the confidentiality of client-related issues. All information received during engagements is treated as confidential. All Bookright Global Consultants Limited personnel, including administrative, support, and technical staff involved in the engagement, sign an agreement not to discuss matters relating to the engagement with anyone, including other Bookright Global Consultants Limited personnel, except for members of their relevant client service team and authorized personnel of the applicable client or that client's representatives

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    Our Tailored Approach

    We offer customized and a holistic approach in creating unique solutions and cost saving measures to help clients navigate the complex and dynamic business environment.

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    Our commitment

    Mutual trust and respect

    Deliveringmeasurable value

    Understanding and quickly resolving challenges

    Minimizing risk and lost opportunity

    Positioning an organization for improved growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction

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